BI Competency Centre

Future Pillars of a data-driven Organisations are most likely the BI Competency Centres where you can leverage all relevant competencies and hit the moving Target with high degree of accuracy, should we talk about Business Domain Knowledge or Technology Competencies. Let’s build it Together!

BA Next Generation Program enables your Organisation to seamlessly adapt to the ever changing Business environment by building internally relevant and sufficient Technical, Quantitative and Business related Capabilities.

Can describe principles of analytical thinking, data visualisation, 
and have understanding of business terminology and concepts.
Data Mashup
Tech Experts who has hands-on experience in multiple platforms and ability to deliver innovative solutions by swiftly adapting to continuously changing circumstances. Seamless cooperation with Developers and Engineers.
Business Domain
Comprehensive Understanding of key Business Questions and the relevant Business Domains.
Quantitative Skills
Has excellent understanding of statistical & mathematical methods and its usability. Can deliver broad analysis portfolio in a single domain.
Business Focus
Understands the Broader perspective of the Project. Brings Added Value in the Discussions with internal or external Clients both on Operational and on Strategic level.
Data to Action
Excellent Story telling and presentation skills by creating revealing Visualisations. Capability and eagerness to provide Insights from Data and recommend Actionable Items by Comprehensive understanding of the Business Processes.


Have you ever thought about outsourcing recruitment and the first steps of the learning curve? We help you to find the Perfect Matches for each Position while building up an effectively cooperating Team who are working on the actual Business Objective from their very first day in Your Organization.

BA Next Generation - Expectations

Benefits of BI CC